Institutional Research & Effectiveness

Achieving the Allen College Mission and Vision requires systematic assessment of institutional effectiveness. Assessment of institutional effectiveness is directed by the Allen College Coordinator of Institutional Research and Effectiveness (CIRE).

Contact Information:

Lisa D. Brodersen, EdD, PhD, RN, CNE
Coordinator of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
(319) 226-2034 

CIRE Responsibilities and Duties
  1. Provide leadership for and management of a program of institutional research and effectiveness.
  2. Plan, implement and provide oversight for all areas of institutional research, including the generation of institutional data for internal and external constituencies.
  3. Oversee the collection, analysis and distribution of data relevant for planning, decision-making and policy formation.
  4. Provide data support for assessment of student learning and program review.
  5. Provide data support for grant submissions.
  6. Conduct institutional research to demonstrate the College's effectiveness in carrying out its mission and achieving its goals and strategic initiatives.
  7. Consult with and assist College personnel in the design, execution, interpretation and reporting of findings of institutional research activities.
College Assessment Plan (CAP)

Essential to the assessment of institutional effectiveness at Allen College is the Allen College Assessment Plan (CAP). The CAP is a systematic plan for evaluating Allen College Goals, administrative outcomes, program goals and student learning.

  • Administration of the CAP is directed by the CAP Standard Operating Procedure.
  • The CAP results in annual reports demonstrating the achievement of assessment targets and plans for program and institutional change deemed necessary to ensure that College Goals are met and that institutional effectiveness is achieved.